Tuesday, July 15, 2008


After yesterday's mad rush/fiasco, today has been pretty calm. I think we tired Naomi out so much yesterday, so she pretty much slept the entire day (so far at least). Although with my luck that probably means she'll be up partying all night tonight.

We gave her her first tub bath yesterday, and it must have either been so relaxing or stressful, cause she slept for almost 5 hours straight afterwards! If only we had bathed her later in the evening, I could have had 5 hrs of sleep. Instead we bathed her at 7. OH well.

Oh, and back to the original intent of this post. It's July 15th. I've lived in this house for almost 2 months now. And our airconditioning is STILL NOT FIXED. Might as well move to the Philippines with this much heat.

Here's the picture of the day. Naomi always sleeps and lays in her crib like she's superwoman, or some kung-fu master "HAIIII-YA"

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