Friday, May 15, 2009

Mother's Day

Our Wei family of 3 kicked off our mother's day weekend with a whirlwind 24 hour roadtrip to Harvard, MA and back. We went up to celebrate Austin's mom's graduation. It was a great weekend for driving, graduation, and a seafood meal on the northshore. Though it was an exhausting trip, Naomi handled it like a champ and charmed everyone on the trip.
On the way back home on Saturday, we we ran into some bad luck, and our car started making some pretty crazy noises. We made it safely home, but a diagnostic from our Honda doctor told us we'd need to put another $1300 into fixing the suspensions. This is after almost 3k just 5 wks ago! Austin and I came to the not too difficult decision that it was time to give up my good old CR-V. She is 12 yrs old afterall. And now the hunt begins for a new car.
Sunday morning, still a little bleary eyed, we started our Mother's day festivities! Austin made the most amazing video and gave me an enlarged, framed print out of my favorite photo of Naomi in the pool. After church Austin, Naomi, my mom and I met up with Chris for yummy tofu stew, and possibly a little too much Kalbi. The company was great, the weather was beautiful and the food was yummy. Not much more you could ask for for a first mother's day!

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