Thursday, August 6, 2009

First Steps and some sort of bug

I got home last night feeling pretty low. I think I'm just burnt out, but I was so tired and my throat is starting to hurt. It always makes me feel better to get home and see Naomi after a long day of work. I was late getting home though and only had an hour or so with her before I put her to bed, but it's almost like she knew I needed a pick me up! Naomi was just beyond giggly. I love when she laughs at the silliest things. I told her, "mommy is going to get some tylenol". Something about the word "tylenol" just set her off and she started laughing. Every time I repeated the word, she laughed and laughed. She startd laughing again when Austin came home and we were putting her down to bed. Every time Austin or I leaned in to give her a kiss she started laughing that deep, giggly, baby laugh. Like the ones you see on commercial. Too cute. Definitely the pick me up I needed after a long day of work when I felt like I was coming down with something. Her laughter is just simply contagious.

In the hour that she was awake while I was home, Naomi also decided it was time to take her first steps. Granted it was only 3 steps before she fell on her butt, and perhaps it was really more of a stumble than anything intentional, it was still exciting to see.

1 comment:

  1. She's growing up so fast! Gosh, starting to walk already.
