Monday, September 7, 2009

Day Care

Naomi starts her full time spot at daycare tomorrow. I know she's more than ready, she's been doing so well at the church nursery and hardly even cries when we drop her off now. I also know how much she'll benefit from the stimulation and socialization from all the other kids there. Still, a part of me is sad that she'll be out of the house every day. That someone outside of our family will get to watch her as she grows up and develops on a daily basis. And I'll miss being able to call my mom during the day whenever I miss Naomi to get an update on how she's doing, or to talk to Naomi on the phone. Thankfully this is a short week and my mom doesn't leave til Saturday, so we all have a little breaking / transitional period. Not looking forward to tomorrow though. And even more so, I'm not looking forward to when we have to take my mom to the airport on Saturday. ugh

1 comment:

  1. Oohhh. But from how much Naomi smiles, it's obvious she definitely feels your love for her all the time! It's so hard to be away from your baby. Even when we got our for date nights, we can't stop talking about our kids!
