Friday, November 6, 2009

All good things must come to an end.

After 2 weeks and 2 days of vacation, I’m back at work. It’s only been a couple of hours but I’m already exhausted and missing Naomi like crazy. Naomi got sick the last couple of days that we were in Cabo, and never fully got better. On Friday night, she ended up getting a fever of 103. On Saturday we took her to the doctors, confirmed she did not have the flu (thank goodness), but she still had a high fever, and hasn’t been eating well. She’s also been waking up in the middle of the night, coughing, vomiting, screaming for mama and dada. Needless to say, the last couple days of our vacation were exhausting, and I could use a couple of good hours of sleep!
Having a sick baby is difficult because your only sign of the baby’s discomfort is from their cries. Now that Naomi is talking, you have a whole new set of challenges to face. When she wakes up in the middle of the night, she’s not just crying. She’s screaming your name, it’s a lot harder to hear your child screaming for you, “MAMAAAA, DADAAA” as opposed to just random cries. She’s also very demanding, and will ask for juice, water, you name it. But offer her something she doesn’t want and you’ll get a strong, “NO NO NO”
Thankfully my mom is back, and she is taking care of Naomi today, and most likely tomorrow since Naomi woke up with a fever again this morning, and isn’t allowed back at daycare until she’s fever free for 24 hours. Naomi has been more than excited to see her Ah-Ma. If we’re out of Ah-Ma’s sight for even just a few minutes, Naomi starts screaming her name, and runs around trying to find her.
It hasn’t been all difficult though. Despite Naomi being sick, being home with her was just amazing. I really do wish I could be a stay at home mom. I watch how she picks up new words, skills, comprehension every minute each day and think about how much I’ll be missing while I’m at work.
On Friday night, Naomi had woken up in the middle of the night, and threw up all over her bed, her lambie and izzy dolls, and even managed to project some out onto the floor and rug. After a quick clean up, we were ready to put her back to bed, but anytime either Austin or I tried to leave the room so that the other could take care of her, she would start screaming and crying. She wanted both of us to be in her room. Exhausted, we finally tried just lying down on the floor with her on her playmat. With the three of us cuddled up, Naomi turned to me, reached for my head, and pulled me in close to her head. I thought she wanted something, so I asked her, “whats up Naomi?” And she proceeded to kiss me. Then I laughed, and she did it again! Then she turned to Austin and kissed him. She did this back and forth for awhile til I was literally crying about how sweet she was despite her being sick and feeling awful. Then she started asking for Elmo and her Ge Ge (our friend Lois’ son Caleb). Haha. Then we were just laughing. Anyway, only 4 more days til the weekend.

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