Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Motrin the miracle drug

I'm back at work today and Austin is at home taking care of Naomi. We decided to keep her home again today since she was uber fussy and refused to let us put her down and still isnt eating. When I spoke to Austin this morning I could hear Naomi screaming and crying in the background. She refused to eat anythign except for one dried mango and a little bit of her milk. 3 hours later, Austin called me back and I could hear Naomi laughing and chatting in the background. The difference between 7am and now? MOTRIN. We've been giving her motrin for the pain in her ear, but were trying not to give her too much since my brother said long term use could be potentially damaging to the kidneys..or wait..was it the liver? Anyway, she really needed it today, and it totally has made a difference. I almost wish I wasn't allergic to the stuff myself!


  1. is motrin and aspirin the same? ihope she will get better do let her drink a lot of juice and i always thinking am thinking of her. hope she will get better soon

  2. now i really believe that things are now turning the other way around.
