Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Today was my first day back at work after the 2.5 week vacation. Last night after dinner, as we were getting ready to put Naomi to bed, I started to cry as I thought about having to go back to work and not getting to see Naomi during the day. Naomi, came over to me and gave me the sweetest hug, wiped my tears and said, "mommy, don't cry, because I'm right here!!" And the rest of the night she proceeded to hold my hand, hug me, and make sure I followed her wherever she went. If I wasn't right next to her she'd call out, "mommy!! come here! come here!" Definitely something I want to remember. (I wouldn't mind forgetting the bit where she threw a fit right before lights out cause she wanted to bring her toy stroller into bed with her and was told strollers dont belong in beds). sidenote: "because" is the new word of the week. She's just figured out to use the word, and uses it literally every chance she can. Yesterday afternoon she said she was coloring the monkey ho-ho green because he's naked. And the other night, her tongue was blue, because she had a popsicle. =)


  1. awww Naomi's such a sweet girl!
    Rebecca used to want to sleep with her stroller too...must be a girl thing. Just wait until "because" becomes "but". "Go pick up your toys!" "But I'm..."

  2. ha ha ha jason couldn't stop laughing at why ho ho was green. =P such a cutie with a kind heart. just like her parents! =)
