Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Coming soon...

I had another ultrasound yesterday to check on the baby's growth. Apparently, while I have been diligently gaining weight every week, my baby girl has a mind of her own and is hanging in strong at just over 6 lbs. In two weeks she hasn't grown, making my ob not so happy. He called me back after reviewing my ultrasound results, while I was at Target to tell me he would feel more comfortable having the baby out before the week end. He also asked me if I was still on a strict bed rest..umm not sure if he heard al the background noise from Target, plus Naomi screaming, "AHH THERE"S ANOTHER PRINCESS TOY" but I quickly said yes I was.
Anyway, on my actual due date, Thursday Jan 13th, I have to call the hospital at 5am, tell them I'm coming in at 6am, and then the process begins. Having another induction is not exactly ideal, Naomi was induced, and it took over 24 hours before she decided to show up. It got to the point where my then ob was considering giving me a C-Section cause my amniotic fluids were getting too low. Of course Naomi has always had her own way of doing things, even now, she likes to take her time with everything... Hopefully baby wei 2 will be a little speedier. Anyway, Thursday, Jan 13th. That's the day it all begins.


  1. Woo hoo! A day after my birthday! Will be thinking of you on Thursday- take care.

  2. Almost there, Amy! My sister was due on January 21 but baby girl no. 2 was too eager to see the world. My niece arrived yesterday at 5:02pm! My sister really wanted her to come today (1/11/11). I told her she should have tried harder to keep her legs closed longer! ;p

    I'll be thinking of you on Thursday.

  3. I will be praying for a safe and smooth delivery for you and bring home a cuteand lovable baby just like naomi. God be with you.

  4. Yay -- the end is finally in sight and she managed to hang in there until the due date! I will also pray for a very smooth delivery and that she is perfect (which, of course, she will be :-) ).
