Friday, March 4, 2011

Sleep does the body good

We're finally on the mend. Naomi is completely better and both Mikaela and I are congested, but definitely on the road to recovery. As she gets better, Mikaela is starting to sleep better as well. For the last 3 nights she's slept in her own room in her crib and hasn't needed to be held. Yesterday for the first time she napped in her crib as well, and even fell asleep on her own.
Today I'm home with both girls, and Mikaela is already on her second nap of the day, in her crib, freeing me up to umm blog, I mean watch Naomi. It's nice to be on the road to getting her on a sleep schedule, and it's definitely amazing what a difference it makes for me when I can get a few more consecutive hours of sleep at night.

Other than sleeping better, Mikaela continues to hit milestone after milestone. She's already been smiling and coo'ing, but is doing so more frequently now, and two days ago she started laughing a little bit. It's the cutest thing.

Naomi has done a lot of growing up as well. She is completely in love with her baby sister, and affectionately gives her kisses and strokes her face, hands and feet. She loves to try and include her in games and is constantly running over to check on "mei mei" when she hears her crying. She's actually really great at getting Mikaela to stop crying. The sweetest thing is when I've found her stroking Mikaela's hand singing her "Misty" her own lullaby that Austin or I sing to her every night.
She's also starting to grow incredibly protective of her Mei Mei as well. She'll sometimes call Mikaela "her baby". Yesterday while picking her up from daycare, some of the kids in her class, as usual, ran over to see the sleeping baby. Naomi saw them, came over, pulled the shade over MIkaela's car seat and said, "I don't want anyone to look at MY baby. She's sleeping". Then she walked away.

I have to say, I'm more tired now than I ever have been. It's almost 11am and I'm still in sweats and a sweater. Our house is a complete mess, and I've played candy land so much that I dream about lollipops and double color cards. However I'm completely loving having two girls right now. There really isn't any other need to explain other than to say I'm incredibly blessed.

Mikaela mid-laugh


  1. happy to hear u and the bbs doing so well. keep up the good work !!! God ne with you! love u always!

  2. love all the pictures a lot. thank you!!!
