We celebrated my dad's 70th birthday the first week we were down there. My brother Chris came down to Florida as well and spent half a week with us. Naomi basically attached herself to him while he was there. So cute to see how much she adored her Uncle.
Naomi loved the excuse to be able to wear dresses every day, especially since she didn't need to wear tights. I made the mistake of packing shorts and pants for her. What a waste. She refused to wear anything but dresses the whole trip, and would have major meltdowns if I tried to get her to wear anything else.
She also loved playing outside with bubbles, water balloons, water guns, and loved that we could use my parent's neighbors pool. It was still a little cold to be swimming, so we kept our swim excursions pretty short. We definitely have a little fish on our hands.
Mikaela started sleeping better at night, going to be regularly by 10pm and waking up once or twice to feed. She easily won over both my parents, and everyone we met while down in Florida. She's such a happy baby, you just have to make eye contact with her, and she'll smile at you.
Anyway, here are some pictures from our first week down in Florida. More to come.

i'm missing u all a lot!!!