Monday, May 2, 2011

A Week of Milestones

We've had a busy week. Our girls hit so many milestones this week, I'd normally post each one separately, but lets face it, I still haven't posted pics from my girls get away to Paris from back in October. So the likelihood of me making a separate post for each seems unlikely at this point.

So here they are.

First up, is a big one. Potty training. After months of regression and disinterest in the potty, on Sunday morning a little over a week ago, Naomi declared she'd like to wear her undies. We obliged, and we've been accident free ever since. She tells us when she has to go, sometimes goes on her own, and she'll go #1 and #2 (although #2 definitely takes some convincing and a lot of pep talks). With the exception of when we go out and nap/night time, she is in underwear and doing amazingly well.

On Saturday, April 30th, which happens to be Austin and my 6th wedding anniversary, Mikaela rolled over from her back to her stomach. She has been trying to roll over for over a month now, so it was so exciting to finally watch her accomplish this. Naomi was especially happy for her, cheering and jumping up and down for her sister's success.

Also on Saturday for the first time, Mikaela slept for 10.5 hours. Soo-Jin babysat for us again so Austin and I could go out to an anniversary dinner; she must have worn the girls out cause they both slept in the next morning and we ended up missing church completely.

Last night, Mikaela for the first time slept through the night. She went to bed at her usually 7:30/8pm, and didn't wake up until 8:30am this morning. Hopefully this wasn't just a fluke and she'll keep up the good nights of sleep. Just in time for me to go back to work.

A couple of other fun "firsts". Naomi and Mikaela went to their first bar yesterday. We went to Jake's in Montclair's to watch a friend's kid perform in a "School of Rock" concert. It was really loud and we were worried about the girls' ears, but they both did fine, and there were a ton of other kids there...although Mikaela was definitely the youngest.

As I mentioned, our "friend" Soo-Jin babysat for us on Saturday, and put Naomi in her first Yankee's t-shirt. Needless to say, Austin wasn't happy.

Not really a first, but Naomi went to the dentist today and did amazingly well. She was friendly to both the dentist and the receptionist. She didn't cry when they cleaned or examined her teeth. She's grown 4 teeth since her last visit, and has perfect teeth with no issues. Everyone was impressed that Naomi brushes 2x a day and flosses every night =)

Naomi also went to Austin's new office for the first time on Thursday's "bring your kid to work day". She was a little shy, but did really well and wasn't rude or mean to any of the new faces she met. So relieved that we're slowly moving out of her
"mean to new people" phase.


  1. omg happy anniversary! Seriously the whole day on April 30, I kept thinking, I know today is something, what is it?! :) xo! P

  2. They are just too cute. Every time I read/see the new posting, it just makes me so so happy. Thanks Amy!
