Monday, July 25, 2011

Tag team

Naomi and MIkaela are tag teaming us. Thankfully last weekend, Naomi was only sick for a day. She did end up staying home the following monday, she could have easily gone in, but since my parents are here and she still had a pretty bad cough, we figured we might as well let her spend as much time with my parents while they're here. This weekend, Mikaela had a fever all weekend. Our pediatrician has sunday hours, so we were able to get her checked out. Other than a fever and a runny nose, she's pretty good. But today would have been her first day at daycare. Although she technically doesn't start until August 15th, I had her booked to go in for one day since my parents needed to head into the city to renew their visas for their trip to China. It's like she knew that she was heading to school! Since she had a fever, she wouldn't be able to go to daycare. So I am taking a sick day with her. Of course as soon as Naomi found out I was staying home, she declared she was too. So I even though Mikaela is a little under the weather, it's nothing serious, and at least I get an extra day with my girls =)

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