Friday, October 7, 2011


We have been in Cabo for the last week. It's our last day, and while we've had a blast, I think it's safe to say we are all definitely ready to head home tomorrow. It is hot hot hot here in Cabo, and we spend a lot of time trying to make sure the girls get enough time indoors and under shade. As much fun as it has been, I have to say, sand, sunscreen, baby fat folds and sticky fingers really don't make a good combo. Our villa makes for the most kid friendly stay, we have 3 bedrooms, plus a private infinity pool as well as an outdoor hot tub (which every time Austin uses, has to make some sort of Hot Tub Time Machine reference). Having so much space is great for the girls, and for us, to not feel so cooped up, and having our own pool is a huge perk. We don't have to worry about lugging tons of stuff back and forth to a hotel pool, we literally just open up the patio door, and voila, infinity pool anyone? Plus when the girls are napping or down for the night, Austin and I can hop in for a quick swim. It has definitely been the low key, relaxing vacation that we all needed. Here are some shots we had taken down at the beach yesterday evening.

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