Sunday, January 1, 2012

A winter dance recital

Naomi is in a dance class at her daycare. The Thursday before Christmas, her class held a dance recital at daycare. My brother Fritz, and good friends Dan and Kathy were all in town, so we invited them along to the show.
Most of the kids in Naomi's daycare class were in the show, and it was so cute to see how excited they were. They danced to several songs in the middle rec room of the daycare. It was much more casual than the previous dance recital we just attended, and personally, I thought much more fun. It never fails to amaze me how focused Naomi is when she's dancing. She followed the teacher to a t, and constantly checked to make sure she was in her spot on the stage. At one point she had been moved over to the opposite side of the room, and she hilariously, yet discreetly, scooted over across the room, through the stage of dancers, back to the spot she had been assigned to for the first half of the show. It was a good laugh.
After the show, the dance teacher came up to me and asked me if Naomi was in a different dance class outside of school because she was so precise with all of her moves, and can do all the dance positions after being taught just one time. She said Naomi was the only in the class that could do that. Totally an ego boost that every parent would love to get. I could hear my own mom telling me the story of my preschool days of a similar situation where my daycare teacher told her that I could sing every song after being taught just one time. It's funny how you grow up hearing these stories from your parents as a kid only to have this story mirrored in your own child's life. Anyway here are some pictures from the show. Since we've been on break for a week, Naomi has literally been dancing nonstop. She puts on pretend dance recitals for Austin and I and sometimes for no one at all. She even danced at the new years eve party and in the waiting room of the doctor's office. It's amazing how she can forget to be shy when she's dancing!


  1. Remember the Talent show at the Singapore American School where u and vonya and another girl joined and at the beginning of the show all of you, from middle school to the senior years have to perform a dance at the opening, one time the leader was sick and the teacher asked you to lead the dance, so tiny since you were one fo the youngest performer. i was so proud of you and i am sure you remember that.Then there was the sunshine choir where Mrs farmer would ask you to learn all the steps so that you can teach the whole group later on.i was sure beaming like a very bright candle.

  2. Remember the Talent show at the Singapore American School where u and vonya and another girl joined and at the beginning of the show all of you, from middle school to the senior years have to perform a dance at the opening, one time the leader was sick and the teacher asked you to lead the dance, so tiny since you were one fo the youngest performer. i was so proud of you and i am sure you remember that.Then there was the sunshine choir where Mrs farmer would ask you to learn all the steps so that you can teach the whole group later on.i was sure beaming like a very bright candle.

  3. Look at those well posistioned posts. She makes me laugh. So much fun to watch her dancing.
