Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Bunny

After good friday service, we stopped by the mall to have dinner at Rosa Mexicano's. (very Good Friday appropriate, i know). Anyway, there was no line for the easter bunny, so we decided to try and get a shot of the easter bunny with the girls. We've never done photos with any of the crazy characters at the mall...mainly cause Naomi has been deathly afraid of them, and let's face it. Who's to blame her. A Giant Bunny? That's freaky. But after our successful Disney trip where we were able to take ton's of pictures with Disney princesses, we figured we'd give it a shot.
Upon being given to the bunny, Mikaela freaked out and started crying. We decided to boot her out of the picture. Sorry kid, there's always next year. lol seriously though, it was bad. Some people get really cute, funny crying baby pictures with easter bunny's or santa etc...this would have just been plain mean. she would have been beyond crying and cute. Tortured is a better word. Anyway, Naomi, on the other hand, had no problem hopped right on next to the easter bunny and posed. When we were done she gave him a high five and a big hug. We then went off and celebrated an excellent photoshoot (and Good Friday) with some Mexican. Ariba!!

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