Sunday, November 9, 2008

Naomi's Baptism

We had Naomi baptized today at Church by Pastor Peter. It was a special day for us, and it was so nice to have my mom, chris and priscilla here to witness. Naomi did really well while Pastor Peter was holding her. Didn't freak out or cry, not even when he anointed her with water on her head. After Church, we went to lunch at Magiano's. While Naomi didn't even wimper at church, she melted down at lunch and Austin and I had to take turns holding her after awhile. After a long day we're finally home and she's taking her afternoon nap. I have to say all in all it was a great day and Naomi is an amazing child. We're lucky and blessed to have such an amazing child.


The Sacrament of Christian Baptism is a sacrament in which everyone present should participate. It is one of the means by which Christ conveys to us the benefits of redemption. God’s Spirit works through the visual symbol to convince and convert sinners and to build up believers in holiness and faith.

In Baptism the following spiritual works are represented and/or confirmed by God:
1) Union of believers with Christ (our “ingrafting into him”).
2) Washing away of sins by his blood.
3) New spiritual life created by God’s Spirit.
4) Admission into the visible church.
5) Professed commitment to live openly and wholly for Christ.

When God’s people witness the baptism of another, we should remember our own baptism. We meditate upon the work represented and/or confirmed to us. We are reminded of our sins against the spiritual truths pictured and granted in the sacrament. We confess our sins and renew the commitments and relationships signified. We feed upon the grace of Christ and grow stronger in our faith.

We baptize those who come to faith in Christ who have never been baptized. We also baptize those infants born into homes where at least one parent is a believer. For the infant, the things pictured in Baptism are in the form of an offer or promise. When the child believes, he or she claims the promise that God has made and sealed in their Baptism. We do not presume upon the grace of God in saving this child, but we trust with faith-filled hope that he will work salvation in and through the nuclear family and the extended family of believers within the church. When the child believes Christ, his or her baptism is not only a sign of salvation offered, but of salvation received and applied.

We believe that infants can receive grace from God even before they are born. John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit from before his birth (Luke 1:14). When the Savior (Mark 10:13-16) took infants “ his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them,” they received grace. Christian parents bring their little ones to him in Baptism to receive grace and blessing from the Risen Christ.


  1. congratulations on your baptism naomi! now you belong to God love Ama.

  2. ditto!!!
    amy,you are very fortunate to have a baby like Naomi more so now that
    you have dedicated her to our heavenly father.

  3. Congratulations! God bless your beautiful princess!
