We had a great month with nai-nai and gu-gu, (that's Mom Wei and Stacey to you). Already the house seems so empty!
In Naomi developments - she's growing a mouthful of teeth, in addition to the 4 she already has, at least 3 more are coming in on top, and 2 or 3 more on the bottom.
- she's can get up on her hands and knees as of this afternoon. She even crawled one step on her knees (albeit she went backwards, but hey it counts).
- we moved her crib down to the lower level, she looks teeny tiny in her crib now. It's kind of silly, but I was a little weepy eyed when we lowered the mattress. She's no longer a newborn!

Aw, so she's growing so fast! Can't believe that she'll be a year old in a few months.