Sunday, March 1, 2009


Yesterday Gene and Jaime came over with their daughter Alli who's 5 wks older than Naomi. This is probably the 4th time or so that we've gotten together with our kids, but it's the first time that they even cared that the other was there! They smiled at each other, ate cheerios with each other, stole toys from each other, tried to touch each other's hands, and even tried to poke each other in the eye. Definitely a big change from our first playdate where Naomi literally slept the whole time they were here (despite being passed around from person to person).

From Naomi 8 mths

From Naomi 8 mths

From Naomi 8 mths

From Naomi 8 mths

From Naomi 8 mths

From Naomi 8 mths

From Naomi 2 weeks

1 comment:

  1. SOOOO CUTE!!!! that first picture looks like they're having a staring contest, ha ha.
