Friday, August 20, 2010

First sips of Soda

Last night Austin and I were drinking a chinese apple soda. Naomi saw me pouring the soda into our glasses, and declared, "I want some." Austin informed her that it had a lot of bubbles in it and might be too spicy. She decided she still wanted to give it a try, so I figured I'd let her have a go. See what happens next.

Naomi: "it's bubbles?"
me: "yea there are bubbles in there"
Naomi: "HEY it's spicy!"
me: "it's spicy? it's not spicy, it's apple soda"
Austin: "do you like it?"
Naomi: "it's not soda..."
me: "it's soda. do you want to try it again?"
Naomi: "No....yes"
Naomi: "I just want ice"
Naomi: "aeijfei bleh bleh iofwjaofe. I don't WANT soda. It's too spicy!"


  1. Haha. I love it! Btw, my photos are all photoshop post productions. I'm a big cheater! I have no idea how to set it up on my camera.

  2. my computer just exploded. reached its cute quota...
