Friday, August 6, 2010

Here we go again.

Yup that's me at 17wks pregnant. Excuse the sleepy face and the mess. It was 5am on my way to work. We're expecting a new arrival early January 2011.

It's been a crazy past couple of months, but we're all excited for a new addition. So far things have been ok with the pregnancy, other than the complete exhaustion and 24/7 morning sickness. In some ways the pregnancy has been a lot easier; I don't freak out everytime I feel a cramp in my stomach, I'm not being as strict about cutting out all the garbage I eat (probably not a good thing), I have a new OB in NJ, so I don't have to trek all over manhattan in the middle of a work day...

But in some ways, this pregnancy is beyond belief, difficult. I'm no longer able to be completely selfish and just take care of myself. I now have to consider Naomi and make sure she's taken care of. Thankfully Austin has been great and has been able to get out of work relatively early for the most part, and he's been taking care of Naomi at nights, getting her to take her bath and in bed. The only problem then is that I feel like I'm missing out on some of the last few precious one on one time I'll have with my baby girl. Everyone keeps telling us to cherish our time with Naomi right now while she's still the only child, but literally every waking moment when I'm not at work, I want to collapse and fall asleep. Thankfully my energy level has slowly been coming back as I hit my second trimester, so hopefully I'll start feeling a little better.

I've also been more stressed at work these days though and that's not making things any easier on the exhaustion or morning sickness front. I'm gaining weight much faster this time round, my stomach has definitely already popped, at only 17wks. I was looking back at old pictures from when i was pregnant with Naomi, and by comparison, I'm about as big now as I was at 27 wks with Naomi! Grrr.

We're also busy getting Naomi's new room ready. We've decided to keep the nursery a nursery, and move Naomi into our old office. We re-painted the blue walls to a light gray. The whole theme is going to be different shades of pink with gray. We already set up her bed and bedding, have a separate play area, and even painted a huge chalk board wall in the play section. We struggled with the room at first because it is so big, but decided to split it into a bedroom and a play room. We're using low shelves from Ikea to split the room up visually. While she hated the idea at first, and kept insisting that the nursery was "Nomi's room", with the addition of a play table and chairs, her princess tea set, some books and other toys, Naomi is quickly warming up to the idea of her "new room". She calls the room, "Nomi's new room". She loves playing in there while we set things up, and could spend all day in there if we let her. We're just waiting for some rugs to come in (from and her curtains, we also need to get bed rails for her new big girl, full size bed. As soon as all of that is ready, we'll start transitioning her for real into the new room. It's scary and sad to think that she'll be out of her crib and in a big bed very soon. My baby girl is growing up. sob.


  1. Ahhhh! Yay! That's such awesome news! Are you guys going to find out the gender? Yes, it's very tough to be pregnant and have such a small one to take care of! Deep breaths :) So excited for you guys though! And props to Austin for really helping out in caring for his family :) You are so very blessed!

  2. Congratulations!! Two is going to be amazing! And, from what I read I think Naomi is going to be a great big sister!
