Sunday, October 10, 2010


A little over a month ago, we went to Nantucket with our friends the Eng family for a nice relaxing vacation. It was great to get away and we had a blast while we were there. Can't believe it was over a month ago that we went! We were a little worried that Hurricane Earl would prevent us from making it out onto the island, but luckily there was little damage, with the worst being a rocky ferry ride, which made for a sea-sick toddler. (note to parents...never ever say "kids dont get sea-sick..murphy's law will have it that your child will throw up as soon as those words are spoken).

From Naomi 26 months

Waiting for the Ferry to Hyannis

From Naomi 26 months

Our rented house for the week

From Naomi 26 months

Running to Cisco Beach

From Naomi 26 months

Naomi loved the sand

From Naomi 26 months

And she loves her daddy

From Naomi 26 months

From Naomi 26 months

First time flying a kite

From Naomi 26 months

Beautiful view of sunset from our house

From Naomi 26 months

argh a Nantucket Pirate!

From Naomi 26 months

From Naomi 26 months

Studying the treasure map

From Naomi 26 months

Fun in the water

From Naomi 26 months

Buried Treasure

From Naomi 26 months

From Naomi 26 months

From Naomi 26 months

From Naomi 26 months

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