Thursday, October 21, 2010

Under the weather. Super Juice to the rescue!

I got home from Paris on Tuesday afternoon. It was an incredible trip, and I had so much fun with girls, but I did desperately miss Austin and Naomi, and was so excited to be greeted by them at the airport. Judging by the way Naomi jumped up and down and screamed out "Mommy!!!" when she saw me, I think she was pretty excited too =) I'll post pics from the trip later. Silly me didn't think to try and take an extra day off from work to recuperate, and instead came into the office yesterday. Well I'm paying for the long weekend by getting sick. I started getting a scratchy throat, burning sinuses and achiness on Tuesday night, and yesterday at work I felt lethargic and miserable. I'm trying not to get too sick though. I told my smoothie guy downstairs that I was fighting off a cold, and he started making me this super juice. It's made up of Ginger, Lemons, Carrots, and Apples. It's actually pretty yummy. Loaded with vitamins, and totally soothing on my throat. Hopefully it'll help me fight off the cold!

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