Friday, October 15, 2010

To Paris I go.

I'm leaving for Paris this afternoon. I'm going with some girlfriends for a long weekend, and wont be back til Tuesday afternoon. That's 4 days and 4 nights away from Naomi and Austin. It's my first trip out of the country without Naomi and I'm nervous. I already miss her! I haven't really talked to her too much about the trip because everytime I mention it, she declares that she's going with me, and gets super clingy. So last night, I tucked her in, told her to be a good girl and not give daddy a hard time because she was going to have a super Naomi-Daddy weekend. She seemed excited at the prospect and told me I wasn't going with her cause I had to stay home. Crazy girl. It seriously kills me that I dont see her in the mornings before I leave for work, and it's even harder when I know I wont be home at night to pick her up.
I am excited for the trip though, please don't get me wrong. I've never been to Paris for one, and the prospect of travelling with just a check in bag, no diapers, no diaper bag..and no 7am wakeups with Naomi??! That's a vacation in itself.

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